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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shopping. A stress reliever?

Today I went for some shopping before going back to UTP. Sadly, I can't make it to the Mega Sale that happen to started on Saturday, which happen to be the day I left to UTP. Bad luck. Nevermind. There still be the Year End sale. Huh.

Shopping somewhat makes me better, having something(in this matter, wardrobe) nice to wear definitely going to make my daily feeling a little better. I haven't packed my stuff yet. Yes I know, I have a lot to pack since I took home almost all of my stuff. But I think I can do the wardrobe in a night. Yes! I believe.

Anyhow, I felt great when I finally had time to add up stuff into the wardrobe, not showing off, but self pleasure. hihihi ^^ So back to the question. Definitely? Probably? A solid YES? Leave it on the comment section :)

1 comment:

Ken Wooi said...

my stress reliever would be to eat =D

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