Have you?

Sunday, July 18, 2010


this is not about the worldcup.

But more to our real goal in life. Marriage, Jobs, more of that kind of stuff. This is what I learned at STE and I wanted to share this with all of you readers.
Probably you have many goal. Let's pick one. As for me, I wanted to buy a new f/2.8 walk around lens. That is being Specific. I want a f/2.8 lens, a Tamron I guess.

Then you have to be Measurable. A lens is something you can measure right?

Is it Achievable?? Yes. It's not like I'm trying to see using my toe or something.

Realistic. Oh Yeah! Looks real to me.
And lastly is about time. If possible I wanted to buy it by the end of the year or maybe early next year.

In short you just have to remember it as S.M.A.R.T.

or this kind of SMART.

I'm already trying to use this in my life now that I have to get back to UTP in the weekend. Surely STE have changed me for good. Do drop some bomb at the comment section below okay?

See ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

time bound agak kurang jelas disitu.. kena lebih spesifik.. ex: Disember, Januari. :D

just an opinion from a buddy that went to the same program. ;p

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