Have you?

Monday, February 28, 2011


right here without you baby.

Do we really need a reason to love kitten? :3


From today onward, i will began using my precious 50mm more often for the sake of improving my composition and the way i see image.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

passionate obstacle.

Just now i have realize something. Something that i have realize but did not thoroughly accept. But now i can fully accept it. I have indeed, lost a little interest in photography.

Wait, no i'm not those people that only get into photography for fame, style etc. It just that since i have lost my previous gear, all of it, i have a little less faith. My crappy zoom lens, although not of good optical quality, the reach provided is just sensational. Something that is very useful for me for now.

As for that, i have make a decision to get as much many to get a decent zoom lens since i currently have none. I believe have limited reach is one of the reason why i have been neglecting the photography world, i know it just an excuse, but as from tonight, insyaallah, i will try my best to forget about the past, give no more excuses and keep on improving my photography skills and also increase my upload rate.

Please do pray for me, to keep on this interest in photography :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

been busy

Sorry for not updating any new photo/ tutorial for the past week. It's been a hell of a week maybe because of the new semester, the new schedule, class, tutorial, assignment, and all those educational stuff until I have no time for some 'fun time' with photography.

Thank God there is one outing tomorrow organized by MedTech CMD Photography team(which i'm in it.) in a top secret place in UTP. InsyaAllah after finish with the outing I will put up some of the result here for you guys :)

Wait for it :)
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