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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Run away

From F/2.8

Do you ever felt like running away from everything, i mean everything. You friends, assignment, your duty to study, your meeting, and all those stuff. Sometimes i do. Because i would like to have some peace of mind over some issue.

But have you ever thing of other people while running away? Have you thought of how they will suffer if you are not there, how many problem they have to settled alone?

Sometimes we need to think of others but always put yourself first. Because no one will put yourself first if not you.

1 comment:

nordin said...

The feeling is normal. Long long long time ago Abh sometimes felt that way. That happens when we have seemingly insurmountable problems. But nothing is insurmountable. And we have Him. And we have our father, mother, brothers and sisters as well. Be patient, talk, split the problem into small manageable pieces, solve the pieces, and most importantly after all that is done - berserah and bertawakkal.

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